Check In

Please walk with your child to the a|CITY KIDS check in point 10 minutes before the service starts where both you and your child will receive a sticker with all your child’s details. Your child’s safety is our concern. Please collect your child from their classroom after the service.  Please arrive on time as we lock the front gate so as to ensure the safety of your child.

Kids Church

This is a crazy, fun filled ministry that is God- centric. Our programmes have been carefully and thoughtfully designed to reach children through the assurance that God loves them. Our time with the children includes dynamic praise and worship with our own Youth Band, awesome games and life changing, age- appropriate lessons. All staff have completed the a|CITY KIDS DIPLOMA programme. We aim to equip and empower children to make a difference in their world and to assist them in discovering their purpose.

Grade 1 to Grade 5.


A relevant, fun God- centric life application programme designed specifically for tweens that runs every Sunday.

Ages 11 – 14.


An amazing time of fun and new friends.

4- 6 year olds


A brilliant programme that includes praise and worship just for TOTS in a safe, loving, fun filled environment. This carefully designed programme covers small and gross motor skill development as well as fine motor skills. Our programme includes outdoor play.

2- 4 year olds

Child Dedication

Child Dedication is a ceremony in which parents make a commitment before the Lord to raise their child according to God’s Word and God’s ways (1 Samuel 1:11, 26–28).

Our desire is to create an event that is personal and memorable. We run a parenting class before this special time in which we provide foundational teaching on what it means to raise your child/ren is a God- centric way. We value children and families at a|CITY CHURCH.